Serve with Us! 
There are so many ways to plug in and serve here at First United Methodist Church. Our amazing volunteers help all areas of our church run smoothly. Here are just a few of the ways you can plug in and serve:
Our various committees function as leadership teams within our church. Some committees, such as Missions, Worship, and Hospitality, are open to anybody, at any time! Other committee members are elected positions (indicated with an asterisk*). Nominate yourself or someone else to serve on a committee for 2024 by reaching out to Pastor Shannon.
- Communication/Technology: Are you good with technology? How about graphic design or social media? Help out with website updates, social media, graphics, and media for Sunday mornings.
- Education: Discuss curriculum, events for children and teens, and discipleship at all age levels.
- Finance*: Do you have a head for numbers, a love of budgets, and a passion for generosity? Join our Finance team!
- Hospitality: Do you love food and serving others? Assist with Fellowship Lunches and Funeral Dinners on our Kitchen Crew.
- Nominations Committee*: If you see the leadership potential in others, nominate them to serve and lead in areas of the church.
- Missions: A perfect way to get involved if you have a passion for service, outreach, and community involvement.
- Treehouse Preschool Board: The Treehouse Preschool is a ministry of our church. Help plan preschool events, support staff and parents, and guide the direction of our preschool ministry.
- Security: Keep others safe as they come to worship.
- Trustees*: Our Board of Trustees oversees all property management, maintenance, and repairs.
- Worship: Plan for each liturgical season, decorate the altar, prepare for special events in worship, and give input to worship design and direction.
- Staff Pastor Parish Relations Committee*: The SPPRC acts as our personnel committee or HR department.
Volunteer Opportunities
Most of these volunteer roles are open to anybody! Support our church by volunteering your time, presence, and talents.
- Acolyte
- Birthday/Care Cards
- Choir
- Coffee Bar Barista
- Communion Steward/Server
- Hospital/Nursing Home Visitor
- Kids Worship Helpers
- Liturgist/Scripture Reader
- Money Counter
- Mowing/Landscaping
- Newsletter Folder/Office Helper
- Nursery Worker
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Tech/Media Team
- Youth Volunteer
- Usher
Contact Information
First United Methodist Church of Excelsior Springs
- 1650 Rainbow Blvd.
Excelsior Springs, Missouri 64024 - Map
- Directions
- Phone (816) 630-2139
Are you ready to begin serving? Fill out the Servant Commitment form now! Reach out to Pastor Shannon with any questions you might have about volunteering in our church.
All volunteers working with kids, teens, vulnerable adults, or in the nursery must be Safe Gatherings Certified. Find out more about Safe Gatherings and begin the certification process here:
Safe Gatherings